La Botega da la Lavizzara
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Orari chiusura porta: dalle 21:00 di sera alle 6:00 del giorno dopo.
Located in front of the schools and the sports center, the shop is a garrison among the stately buildings of the ancient capital of Lavizzara. The lovely grocery store in the valley is not only a natural stopping point for hikers but above all it is a safe reference for the local community.
Fresh, often local, possibly loose and perhaps organic. This is the identikit of the products on sale. Local eggs, alpine cheese, cured meats, hams and dried meat are not lacking. The fresh vegetables, locally produced where possible, are a real treat for lovers of genuine flavours.
The search for sustainability is also expressed through the proposal of natural cosmetics, biodegradable detergents and a refined assortment of exotic drinks that complement the more traditional wines of the region.
Opening date: Saturday 13 July
Opening times: 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
Self-Service Checkout
La Botega da la Lavizzara
Via Cantonale 6
6694 Prato-Sornico
Web: www .